Learn the secrets to winning your CPP disability claim, even after a denial.
Was your CPP disability claim denied? Do you need to apply? Download your FREE Copy of The Beginner’s Guide to CPP Disability.
We want you to get this book right now. Just fill out the form on this page and we will instantly send you an email with a link to download the book.
Once you download the book, you will see our FREE offer to courier you our popular disability education bundle on CPP disability claims. This package includes a paperback copy of the book you are downloading, along with our most popular resources for CPP disability claims, only available thought this mail out package.
What is included in the book you are downloading?
In The Beginner’s Guide to CPP Disability, you will learn about mistakes you need to avoid to get your claim approved. We have packed this book full of information, including…
- How to know if you are eligible for benefits (page 13)
- The one BIG THING you must do before you file your claim (page 19)
- Our 7-step process to apply for CPP disability (page 20)
- The secret to how Service Canada decides to approve or deny your claim (page 26)
- The three main types of proof you should use (page 30)
- The most important type of proof that most people miss (page 32)
- The 10 credibility killer mistakes you must avoid (page 33)
- How the appeal process works (page 37)
- 5 Steps to do a reconsideration appeal (page 38)
- 7 steps to do a Tribunal appeal (page 40)
- 9 most common reasons your claim will be denied (page 48)
- What to do after your claim is approved (page 53)
- Working with representatives and lawyers (page 59)
Our mission is to empower you through education. We give this book away for free because we want to help you make the best decisions about your CPP disability claim. We want you to have the best chance for success.
Again, this information is free and useful if you need to apply for CPP disability benefits, or if they have denied your claim.
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