Learn the secrets to winning your long-term disability claim, even after a denial.
Was your short- or long-term disability claim denied? Do you need to apply? Download your FREE Copy of The Step-By-Step Guide to Winning Your Long-Term Disability Claim.
We want you to get this book right now. Just fill out the form on this page, and we will instantly send you an email with a link to download the book.
Once you download the book, you will see our FREE offer to courier you our popular education bundle on disability claims. This package includes a paperback copy of the book you are downloading, along with our most popular resources for disability claims, which are only available through this mail-out package.
Do you know if you are already making mistakes with your claim? Did you know you can start making mistakes before you even stop working? I cannot overstate the need for you to educate yourself now.
It is important that you get this Book before you go any further with your claim. Before giving more information to the insurance company. Before you speak with your employer. Before signing any forms. And before you speak with a lawyer.
What is included in the book you are downloading?
In The Step-By-Step Guide to Winning Your Long-Term Disability Claim, you will learn about the long-term disability application and appeals process. We have packed this book full of information, including…
- An easy-to-read explanation of disability insurance benefits
- The types of disability benefits
- How to know if you are eligible for long-term disability benefits
- How to find and understand the specifics of your disability plan
- How to prepare a winning application
- The four things you must do before you file your claim
- The bare minimum things you must do to have a complete application
- The nine things you can do to prepare a wining claim
- Traps and pitfalls to avoid after your claim is approved
- How to appeal a denial of long-term disability benefits
- The reason most internal appeals get denied
- The eight secrets to preparing a winning appeal
- How to appeal lawsuits work, and what compensation can you get
- How lawyers and insurance companies determine the lump sum settlement value of your claim
- How legal fees work in disability claims
Our mission is to empower you through education. We give this book away for free because we want to help you make the best decisions about your disability claim. We want to have the best chance for success.
Again, this information is free and useful if you need to apply for disability benefits or if they have denied your claim.
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