So, you’ve received a sum of money as a retroactive payment from CPP disability — or maybe you opened a letter from your long-term disability insurer that says, “Hey, you owe us.” If you’re wondering why this is happening and what you need to do next, then this article is for you. Read on. This […]
Long-term Disability
This is our section on long-term disability benefits.
The Best Story Wins: The Secret to Winning Your Disability Claim
You have finally found it — the secret to winning your claim for disability benefits: tell the best story. If you aren’t familiar with how we do things at Resolute Legal, this is the first article you should read. It teaches you the first principle we apply when representing people in disability claims or appeals […]
Top 5 Reasons Why Mental Illness Disability Claims Are Denied (and what you can do about it)
Has your mental illness disability claim been denied? Are you worried your long-term disability payments are about to be cut off? In this article, I review the top five reasons why mental illness disability claims are denied. I also explain what you can do to avoid a denial or at least minimize your chances of denial. […]
6 Reasons to Apply for CPP Disability, Even Though the LTD Insurer Gets the Money
In this article, I discuss the common problems you will face when receiving both CPP disability and long-term disability (LTD) insurance payments. If you have received LTD payments for over a year, your insurer will require you to apply for CPP disability. This seems like a no-brainer at first — until you realize that if you […]