Pregnancy isn’t a disability, but it can bring unexpected health challenges that make working impossible. If complications arise, you may wonder: Can I get short-term disability for pregnancy? What if I’m already on disability when I become pregnant? And how do maternity leave and disability benefits work together? These are important questions—especially since insurance companies […]
Short-term Disability Claims
When & How to Apply for Disability in Canada: Benefit Claim Guide
I wrote this article for people who are trying to determine when and how to apply for disability in Canada. This Guide is based on my 15 years of experience helping people win disability claims. It is a good starting point if you are trying to learn the basics about what disability benefits programs are […]
Reasons Short-Term Disability Can be Denied (+ STD Appeals)
Did you recently go on a sick leave from work? Did the insurance company hand you back a short-term disability denial letter? Are you unsure of what to do next? If you answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading. This article overviews everything you need to know about short-term disability denials, including reasons short-term […]
Short Term Disability Canada: How to Apply, What Qualifies & More
Short-term disability (STD) is a legal term that can mean different things. It most often refers to a limited period of disability that qualifies a person for disability benefits. Sometimes, short term disability can refer to a specific disability benefits plan or program. Below, I discuss both aspects of short term disability Canada. Whether you […]
Do I Need a Lawyer for Short Term Disability?
People often ask us: Do I need a lawyer for my short-term disability claim, or can I handle it myself? Generally, the answer is that you can probably handle things on your own! But it really depends on your situation. Keep reading to find out what we recommend. This article is part of our Ultimate […]
Long-term Disability Claims for Sales Agents and Representatives
Going out on long-term disability leave and filing claims are often particularly daunting for sales agents and representatives. Whether you work for a larger company that’s able to have others represent your interests—and protect your clients—in your absence, or you’re working on your own, you may feel that going on long-term disability can have serious […]
What’s the Difference Between Short and Long-Term Disability Benefits?
You might think the name says it all when it comes to the difference between short or long-term disability benefits. But, it’s actually not all that simple. There are some key differences that you might not know about. I’ll explain some of them in more detail below. But first, here’s a very brief explanation of […]
The Best Story Wins: The Secret to Winning Your Disability Claim
You have finally found it — the secret to winning your claim for disability benefits: tell the best story. If you aren’t familiar with how we do things at Resolute Legal, this is the first article you should read. It teaches you the first principle we apply when representing people in disability claims or appeals […]
Top 5 Reasons Why Mental Illness Disability Claims Are Denied (and what you can do about it)
Has your mental illness disability claim been denied? Are you worried your long-term disability payments are about to be cut off? In this article, I review the top five reasons why mental illness disability claims are denied. I also explain what you can do to avoid a denial or at least minimize your chances of denial. […]